
Introducing Haley Stonecipher

New team member interview and spotlight

Adam Winfree
Adam Winfree


It's my honor to interview and introduce type: entry-hyperlink id: 40mpK9p39O2WyPV4Axwinv, UI Designer and newest team member at Foster Made!

Q: How did you get interested in UI/Graphic design? (Also, is there a difference between the two? Please enlighten my mind.)

A: In an indirect way, I guess. In short, I fell in love with photography early on and was an avid reader. I eventually figured out that graphic design could bring those two interests (words and images) together for me in an exciting way and one thing led to another. There were plenty of other interests that drew me into design as well, from architecture and interior design, to signage and wayfinding systems, furniture making and fashion. It seems that graphic design can touch almost everything.

Generally speaking, I like to think of graphic design as a very broad discipline and UI design as a focused subset. I imagine if you asked a group of designers about the difference between UI and graphic design you'd get a number of answers—probably more specific than mine. 

Q: What other creative outlets do you enjoy? Photography, painting, pottery, etc?

A: I really enjoy sewing—clothes, mostly, but also random things for the house. Painting has also been fun for me lately. Most of my creative outlets give me time away from screens and a chance to use my hands. That balance is really important to me!

Q: What creative project are you particularly proud of or happy with?

A: Hmmm. I had the opportunity to sell little paintings at a holiday market this winter. I was super awkward and anxious the whole time, but every single painting sold which was exciting. Since it’s just a hobby, I didn’t have a website or business cards, and I only initialed the pieces. In an industry (and culture) where everything is branded, I love that there are things that I’ve made out in the world that aren’t or can’t be tied back to me directly.

Q: What's something you find interesting about your job that you think other people might not?

A: I love, love, love figuring out and documenting process. Even if it’s not in the job description, that’s something I always tend to do—and in the end, it makes my work easier.

Q: How do you keep on top of (or ahead of) design trends?

A: Personally, I think it’s helpful to look across industries. What is happening in fashion, interior design, architecture, industrial design, and the visual arts? I don’t think I have one go-to source to see what’s going on, or to gather inspiration. Also, it’s helpful to acknowledge cultural currents in design, and it’s important to know what is possible, but I tend to be wary of trends. I feel like if being on-trend is a goal, you’re probably always going to be a step behind.

Q: Do you have any other hobbies or sports you participate in?

A: I’ve been really excited about gardening lately. I have a little sun deck in Durham that is perfect for a container garden. I also run occasionally. I've fallen out of practice but I’m eager to get back into a rhythm with it.

Q: You live in North Carolina now but have also lived in Richmond. How many places have you resided? Any favorites? Any places to avoid? Do you recommend visiting NC? Have you been to Biltmore? SC beaches or NC beaches?

A: Ha, so many questions! I’ve lived in four states. Vermont is my home state and it is definitely the place that resonates the most with me. I’m from a little town called Burke and I highly recommend visiting, especially in the summer or fall, if you’re into trail running and mountain biking.

North Carolina is cool, too. I love the mountains. Dupont State Forest and Nantahala National Forest hold a very special place in my heart. I have been to Biltmore but remember being underwhelmed. Definitely NC beaches.

Q: If you had $50,000 and 2 weeks without responsibilities, what do you do?

A: I’d probably try to build a tiny house. I have too many hobbies/things to actually live in a place like that, but it would be fun to use on visits or rent out.

Q: If you could have any famous person narrate your life for one day, who would it be? Would they portray you as a hero, villain, or background character? Would the theme be Sci-Fi, murder mystery, or heist?

A: Natalie Portman. Background character. Murder mystery.

Q: Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, or Squib?

A: Ravenclaw in my dreams, but Squib is more likely.

Q: Rock-paper-scissors: what's your go-to?

A: I always choose based on the people I’m playing with! I try to guess what their go-to move is and then choose accordingly. It definitely doesn’t work every time, but I’m always satisfied when it does.

Q: Capture the flag or freeze-tag?

A: Definitely freeze-tag. But actually, I just want to play Kubb.

Q: I hear you have two cats. What are their names? Are they inside or outside cats? Do you have a greater love for one over the other? What Hogwarts houses would they be in?

A: I do! Their names are Gustav and Cleo. Both are indoor cats, but I do have a cat leash that we use on occasion. Cleo is my gal. I'll defer to the sorting hat for their placement.

Q: Is there something our office kitchen could use? Food? Appliance? Sous-chef? We have some office mates that make some good looking lunches — at least one of them could make meals for $ on the side (just a suggestion).

A: More Jelly Beans.

Q: I did a little research on your last name (because, honestly, I'm a lil' jelly). I didn't turn up much, but apparently, it has nothing to do with cryptography. I don't suppose you have a favorite cipher? A favorite stone or other geologic item?

A: Ha! It’s a good one. I don’t have a favorite cipher, but I do really love rocks. I tend to collect them from places I’ve been. I’m not sure how or why that started, but you’ll find little rock collections all over my house. I’ve had to start keeping them out of reach though, because…cats. Black pumice makes me smile the most at the moment.

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