CAULIPOWER Hero - woman holding phone

Case Study


Helping America's favorite cauliflower crust pizza company take their website to the next level


The Challenge

To replace a cumbersome and complex multi-site publishing experience.


The Approach

A content management system replatform, migration, and consolidation.


The Outcome

A more powerful website and new customer centric functionality.

Client Introduction

Reinventing Classic Comfort Foods

CAULIPOWER® is on a mission to give people tastier, healthier, and more convenient food. They’ve reinvented classic comfort foods using the power (and magic) of vegetables, innovating the freezer aisle with their family of veggie-based food products, including America's favorite cauliflower crust pizza!

CAULIPOWER website displayed responsively on phone, desktop and large desktop screens

Project at a Glance

What Our Team Provided


  • Websites


CAULIPOWER box on dark green background

How it started

Technology to support future growth.

CAULIPOWER is a rocket ship startup story. The success of their healthier, tastier veggie-based food products rapidly propelled the company’s growth since their founding in 2017. When we started working with CAULIPOWER, their websites had become a cumbersome pain point. They needed a simplified single site that was more flexible and easier to update. CAULIPOWER also needed an updated, scalable technology stack that could support their future growth.

Content Management System

Streamlining content management.

CAULIPOWER’s former CMS setup was unwieldy. Content was stored in different locations, and it required multiple logins and steps to complete any action. We helped CAULIPOWER pull everything under one roof with a replatform onto Craft CMS. In addition to providing a much cleaner and user-friendly publishing experience, the new CMS we built also allows the CAULIPOWER team to manage their multiple sites in one backend.

CAULIPOWER website pages on phone
CAULIPOWER example website pages on decorative background

A more cohesive experience

Consistency for users and administrators.

Replatforming the websites provided an opportunity to make other impactful updates, from new photography to cleaning up and consolidating page templates, components, and UI elements. CAULIPOWER’s design elements had become inconsistent across platforms over the years, so we collaborated with their team to develop a new, standardized component library. The accompanying style guide and page builder capabilities provide an easier and more flexible experience for site administrators, and the fresh visuals and improved consistency offer a more cohesive brand experience for end users.

CAULIPOWER style guide
Mother and daughter wearing pink and enjoying CAULIPOWER pizza

special features & integrations

Enhanced CX to drive engagement.

The replatformed site also includes new or enhanced features to improve the customer experience and encourage engagement. We integrated tools that provide star ratings and reviews, product availability and store locators, and a chat bubble with augmented customer service capabilities for logged in members. We also enabled single sign on and increased security for member login, and we built a form submission tool that allows users to submit and edit their own recipes to be featured on the Meal Hacks section of the website and the ability to manage member account details.

CAULIPOWER diagonal examples screens with green background

search and discovery

Discovery developed to delight and convert.

We also delivered a lightning-fast search and discovery experience for the website through an Algolia search implementation. It includes a global search experience and special search experience for the Meal Hacks section of the site, which includes recipes and blog posts. The Meal Hacks search has particular SEO friendly features with unique URL considerations, which further improves searchability and performance.

CAULIPOWER search page on desktop
CAULIPOWER my recipes pages on desktop


Fast, flexible, and performant.

After launch, one of the first things the CAULIPOWER team noticed was the website’s increased speed and performance. The improved publishing and user experiences were clearly noticeable. We delivered a more powerful, flexible, and scalable solution that addressed CAULIPOWER’s pressing needs while also providing a springboard for future growth and initiatives — some that their marketing team is already cooking up.

Client Testimonials

"In our search for a development partner, Foster Made quickly rose to the top of our list based on their thorough response, insightful recommendations, and glowing references."

Nathan JacrouxCAULIPOWER, Head of Brand Marketing & Planning

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