Kion hero image - mackbook lifestyle mockup

Case Study


Breathing life and longevity into the new brand’s digital presence


The Challenge

To implement new site designs and replace current tech stack in just three months.


The Approach

A CMS replatform with strategic guidance and a thoughtful design implementation to maximize efficiency.


The Outcome

Effective redesign, more intuitive, future-proofed CMS, plus ongoing, iterative support with retained services.

Client Introduction

Single-solution cloud enablement platform

Kion is an all-in-one, cloud enablement software solution that removes obstacles, streamlines processes, and simplifies what’s complex for organizations operating in AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. Since 2018, their goal has been to help businesses innovate, scale, be agile, and enjoy a culture of meaningful work.

Project at a Glance

What Our Team Provided


  • Websites


The Ask

A future-forward tech stack.

Kion, formerly, underwent a complete rebrand by Focus Lab. The rebrand included a new name, brand identity, and web designs. Foster Made was brought in for site development – to bring Focus Lab’s designs to life and replace Wordpress with a more adaptable and future-forward tech stack.

Design Implementation

Maximizing efficiency without sacrificing beauty.

Kion’s primary goal when looking for a technology partner was to find someone who could make the transition from design to development as seamless as possible – and in just three short months. Our goal was to stay true to the new brand, while considering impacts in terms of time and performance. Working together, we made recommendations to maximize efficiency and meet our ambitious deadline without sacrificing beauty.

Content Management System

Streamlining content management.

Kion’s former CMS setup was not very user-friendly. There were too many plugins and the process of making content edits was difficult and time-consuming. Kion wanted a solution that would be easier to use and more streamlined. We helped Kion pull everything under one roof with a replatform onto Craft CMS. In addition to providing a much cleaner and intuitive publishing experience, we also built the new CMS so that it can easily accommodate future expansion.

Our Process

Continual iterative approach.

We took an interactive approach from day one. We were very strategic in how we prioritized work to keep moving forward as efficiently as possible. Once the site was launched, we continued to iterate, adding extensible integrations and upgrading the search experience. Since then, Kion has entered into a retained services agreement. This allows us to check-in regularly, add and reprioritize tasks as needed, advise on technology, and more generally ensure their site is performing optimally and in a way that will maximize customer engagement.

Search and discovery

Search that delivers and converts.

We also delivered a super fast, user-friendly search and discovery experience. We used an Algolia implementation for global, federated search and two indices for the main site and the success center.

The end result

The journey continues.

The initial launch of Kion’s site was a success. The folks at Kion were very pleased at our ability to bring the designs to life, on time, and with minimal fuss. They received a lot of positive feedback post-launch and are benefiting from a vastly improved content management system with everything logically arranged and easy to manage. Because of our retained services agreement, we continue to iterate on the Kion site today.

Client Testimonials

"Foster Made is very responsive and helpful, making suggestions and really partnering with us. I never feel like I’m in a black hole waiting to hear from them. Their partnership is invaluable."

Marianna NollKion, VP of Marketing

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